Photos are not automatically uploading
Monument 2 automatically uploads your photos from your phone, tablet or computer. Please make sure Settings > Upload is enabled.
If photos are not uploaded automatically, please check the followings:
Common problems:
Monument is not connected: Please check and make sure the Settings > Connection status on the Monument app is Connected. If you're having trouble with the WiFi connection, please try updating the WiFi connection settings. You can also try connecting your Monument to the WiFi router using an ethernet cable.
Hard drive is not active or not plugged in: If the primary drive is not Active (Settings > Hard Drives) you can follow the troubleshooting guide.
Uploading from mobile networks: If you're uploading photos from a 3G/4G/5G mobile network, you need to enable Settings Remote Access and Settings > Upload > Cellular Upload on. Please note, uploading content over cellular data will use your mobile data plan.
Upload errors: If you're syncing content from iCloud or from your phone, some files could be corrupt or not accessible. For more information, please check this guide.
Unknown dates or old photos: Recently uploaded photos can be found under Browse > Recents regardless of their date information. If your photos do not include date metadata they will be grouped under Unknown Date which can be found at the bottom of the Photos tab. Also, if you are uploading older photos, these will be grouped in the respective dates in the timeline.
Photos are being processed: After photos and videos have been uploaded, Monument will begin to automatically process content which is when thumbnails are created. For more information follow this guide.
If you're having trouble with auto-upload, please check the followings:
Common auto-upload problems on iOS devices
On iOS, please make sure app permissions are given to the Monument app. If access to Photos is restricted, the Monument app can not upload photos and videos. In order to turn this option off:
- 1
- Please select Settings > Privacy > Photos on your iPhone or iPad
- 2
- Choose Monument from the list and make sure it has access for "All photos"
- 3
- Finally, keeping Bluetooth ON on your phone could improve the upload performance. When your Monument device is detected over Bluetooth, the Monument app is triggered to complete pending uploads over WiFi.
Common auto-upload problems on Android
On some Android models, "Battery Optimization" setting restricts background activity. This prevents the Monument app to complete pending upload tasks. In order to fix this, please turn off "Battery optimization" and "Background restriction" options on your phone.
Google Android devices:
- 1
- Open the Settings on your phone
- 2
- Select Apps & notifications and find Monument app from the list
- 3
- Select Advanced and choose Battery>Battery optimization>Not optimized
- 4
- Also, make sure that Background restriction is disabled
Samsung S series
- 1
- Open device Settings> Device Care> Battery.
- 2
- Tap the three vertical dots at the top-right corner and disable "Put unused apps to sleep".
- 3
- Disable "Auto-disable unused apps" and select "Sleeping Apps" to make sure Monument app is not listed.
- 4
- Disable background restrictions for Monument.
Samsung Galaxy Android series
- 1
- Open device Settings> Device Maintenance > Battery > Battery Usage.
- 2
- Tap the more button from the top-right corner and select "Optimize Battery Usage".
- 3
- Switch to "All Apps" from the drop down and turn off to exclude "Monument" from the battery restrictions.
Huawei devices:
- 1
- Open device Settings> Apps > Settings > Special Access > Ignore Optimizations.
- 2
- Find the "Monument" app and select "Allow".
- 3
- Disable "Auto-disable unused apps" and select "Sleeping Apps" to make sure Monument app is not listed.
- 4
- Disable background restrictions for Monument.